About Us

The Center for Education Integrating Science Mathematics and Computing (CEISMC) at Georgia Tech seeks dynamic individuals for its 2020-21 Innovators-in-Residence cohort.  These individuals will partner with teachers in several metro-Atlanta school districts to develop and implement quality STEAM (Science-Technology-Engineerin​g-Art-Math) curriculum. Although candidates are not required to have any formal background or training in education, they all must have a passion for tinkering, design, invention, computer science, making, or art, as well as STEAM education. Candidates with a background in mathematics and/or computer science are especially encouraged to apply.​


About the Innovators-in-Residence Program

Each cohort of Innovators is selected with the charge of supporting the development and implementation of quality STEAM curriculum in their assigned school. Whether placed in an elementary, middle or high school, once placed in the school, innovators partner with teachers to design and implement student-centered projects in the classroom, as well as support engaging STEAM-focused afterschool programs. To support the pedagogical development of the innovators, they are required to participate in online problem-based learning training, intensive summer professional development, and bi-weekly cohort meetings.  Each innovator is also required to create a portfolio of the work completed during the residency.

More information about the first cohort of Innovators in 2017 can be found here.